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There is currently no cure for autism spectrum disorders, and standard treatment options focus on improving behavior and reducing symptoms. Because of this, many physicians look for alternative treatment options that offer additional help. 

Hyperbaric oxygen treatment, or HBOT, is one such alternative that shows great promise in treating autism. By treating damage and inflammation in the brain, HBOT targets the source of the condition. As a result, many researchers, parents, and those living with autism see amazing results. Let’s talk more about it! 

Autism Explained: What You Need to Know

Autism, also known as autism spectrum disorder (ASD) or autism spectrum condition (ASC), is a neurodevelopmental disorder. It is marked by challenges in social communication and interactions, as well as by restricted, repetitive, and inflexible behaviors that can be excessive or inappropriate for the person’s age or cultural background. These symptoms often cause difficulties in various aspects of life.

Autism can't define me. I define autism. Kerry Magro

Once, Kerry Magro, an award-winning national speaker who is on the autism spectrum, mentioned: 

“Autism can’t define me. I define autism.”

This implies that each person experiences autism uniquely, meaning that each individual defines what autism is for them.

Autism is not a single condition. It consists of a variety of subtypes influenced by different genetic and environmental factors. The challenges and symptoms can vary widely from person to person, including difficulties with speech, nonverbal communication, repetitive behaviors, and social skills. 

It is important to note that autism does not always affect intellectual ability; in fact, 44 percent of individuals with autism have average to above-average intellectual abilities.

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) has shown promise in improving speech, communication, and social skills and in addressing repetitive and aggressive behaviors. For more information on how HBOT works, consult with the doctors at Lakeshore Hyperbaric Center in Chicago.

Autism typically begins in early childhood, with many children being diagnosed around the age of two. It is often accompanied by additional medical conditions such as gastrointestinal disorders, sleep disorders, seizures, and mental health issues like attention deficits, anxiety, and depression.

Recognizing the Signs and Symptoms of Autism

Autism spectrum disorders can present in a wide range of ways, with symptoms varying significantly from one individual to another. On the spectrum, one person might be highly functional and able to communicate relatively well, while another might not use verbal communication at all. 

Some children may display signs of autism in early infancy, such as not responding to family members. In contrast, others may develop typically for the first few months or years before becoming withdrawn or losing previously acquired language skills.

The signs of autism spectrum disorder generally fall into two main categories: social communication challenges and restricted or repetitive behaviors.

Today’s Treatment Options for Autism

There is currently no cure for autism and no approved treatment for its core symptoms and causes. Current treatments focus on helping social interaction and increasing independent function. Some behavioral treatments include Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA), Early Start Denver Model (ESDM), occupational therapy, Pivotal Response Treatment (PRT), Relationship Development Intervention (RDI), and speech therapy.

Medications can target specific symptoms, such as seizures, anxiety, depression, and hyperactivity. Risperidone was the first FDA-approved medication for autism, and it targets behavioral symptoms such as aggressive behavior and self-injury. Another medication, Aripriprazole, is FDA-approved for the treatment of irritability.

Other alternative treatments include dietary changes, chelation to remove heavy metals in the body, or deep pressure therapy.

Hyperbaric Oxygen therapy, or HBOT, is also growing in popularity as an alternative treatment for autism that is showing great results!

HBOT supports autism Care

How Does Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Supports Autism Care?

Research indicates that individuals with autism often experience high levels of inflammation, immune system dysfunction, irregular blood flow, and low oxygen delivery.

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) addresses these issues by providing high concentrations of oxygen at increased pressure levels while the person relaxes in a hyperbaric chamber. This therapy improves oxygen delivery to areas that have been deprived, aiding in the restoration of normal function. 

As the oxygen levels increase, inflammation is reduced, and blood vessel growth and health are stimulated, promoting normal blood flow and oxygen delivery. Additionally, HBOT has been shown to support the normal functioning of the immune system. Beyond its effects on the brain, HBOT also offers benefits to those with gastrointestinal issues.

For instance, researchers have linked reduced blood flow in the brain to repetitive behaviors and communication difficulties. By improving blood flow and oxygen delivery to these areas of the brain, HBOT helps alleviate these core symptoms of autism. 

Treatment with HBOT has demonstrated benefits in language development, increased awareness, and a reduction in problematic behaviors.

Research Highlights HBOT's Effectiveness in Autism Treatment

In recent years, numerous studies have examined the effectiveness of hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) in treating autism spectrum disorders.

One notable study from 2009 was a multicenter, double-blind trial involving 62 children with autism aged 2-7 years across six different centers. After 40 HBOT sessions, the children exhibited significant improvements in overall function, receptive language, social interaction, and eye contact.

A 2012 paper reviewed various HBOT and autism studies conducted over the years, highlighting several key findings:

Improved Cerebral Perfusion

HBOT was shown to improve blood flow to the brain, which is often linked to repetitive behaviors, lack of facial expression, and delayed language development.

HBOT anti - inflammatory effects

Anti-Inflammatory Effects

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy has potent anti-inflammatory properties. Since individuals with autism often experience neuroinflammation, immune dysregulation, and gastrointestinal inflammation, studies found that HBOT reduced the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines and neopterin levels, as well as C-reactive protein levels, a marker of inflammation.

Mitochondrial Dysfunction

HBOT addresses mitochondrial dysfunction commonly associated with autism. The therapy helps eliminate dysfunctional mitochondria while promoting the growth of healthy ones by increasing the production of antioxidant enzymes.

Reduction in Oxidative Stress

HBOT helps mitigate oxidative stress associated with autism by boosting the production of antioxidant enzymes such as superoxide dismutase and glutathione peroxidase, which protect against oxidative damage.

Behavioral Improvements

Treatment with HBOT has been associated with significant behavioral improvements in individuals with autism. Researchers have observed enhanced behavior, memory, social interaction, language, and cognitive function, reduced repetitive behaviors, increased eye contact, improved motor skills, and better gastrointestinal health.

Safety Concerns

Safety Concerns

None of the HBOT studies reported significant adverse reactions or side effects, aside from some mild ear discomfort, making it a safe treatment option.

These findings underscore the potential benefits of HBOT in managing autism symptoms and improving quality of life.


Discover how the healing properties of oxygen can speed up recovery for those suffering from various types of burns. Each year, it's estimated that over 480,000 individuals in the United States seek medical treatment for serious burn injuries.

Keep reading to understand more about the tissue damage caused by burns and how burn healing with HBOT can aid in the recovery of burn victims.

Burn - Brief Introduction

Burns are painful injuries caused by heat, chemicals, sunlight, electricity, or radiation, leading to damage of the skin tissues.

Most burns occur accidentally, with their severity ranging from minor wounds that can be treated at home to more serious damage affecting the skin, muscles, and bones, requiring professional medical attention.

The extent of a burn's severity, or degree, is determined by its depth and the area of skin affected, as assessed by a medical professional.

Different Types and Classifications of Burns

Burns are categorized by healthcare providers into different degrees of severity, depending on the extent of skin damage. The higher the degree, the more severe the damage to your skin.

The degrees of burns are:

First degree burns

First Degree Burns

First-degree burns (also known as minor or superficial burns) affect only the outermost layer of skin. They are red and painful but usually don't blister. A common example is a typical sunburn.

Second degree burns

Second Degree Burns

Second-degree burns (or partial thickness burns) impact both the upper and lower layers of skin. These burns are red, swollen, and blistered, and they are quite painful.

Third degree burns

Third-degree Burn

Third-degree burns (also known as full thickness burns) destroy all layers of skin and can extend to the underlying bones, muscles, and tendons. In some cases, these burns are classified as fourth-degree. Instead of red, these burns appear black, brown, white, or yellow. They are often painless at the site due to nerve damage, but pain may be felt in surrounding areas.

What are the Typical Causes of Burns?

Burns can occur in various ways, with the most common causes being:

  • Thermal sources like fire, hot liquids, steam, and contact with heated surfaces

  • Exposure to chemicals such as cement, acids, or detergents

  • Radiation therapy used in cancer treatment

  • Electrical injuries

  • Prolonged exposure to intense sunlight (leading to sunburn)

  • Extreme cold weather conditions (resulting in frostbite)

Treatment for Burns 

 After your healthcare provider has accurately classified your burn, a treatment plan will be customized to suit your specific case, taking into account the burn’s cause, severity, your age, and percentage of the body’s surface area affected.

HBOT for Burn victims

Milder burns can typically be treated with antibiotic ointments and over-the-counter pain relievers, while more severe and extensive burns require specialized care, such as advanced wound management, skin grafts, IV fluid therapy, cosmetic reconstruction, or even Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy for Severe Burns.

In What Ways Can Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Severe Burns  Aid Burn Victims: Burn Healing with HBOT

When used alongside other burn treatments like prescribed topical creams and pain medication, Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy for Severe Burns can be a valuable treatment tool in accelerating and improving the healing process for burn victims.

HBOT is particularly effective for patients with second and third-degree thermal burns, as the 100% oxygen environment significantly promotes new blood vessel and tissue growth while also reducing the risk of infection.

Studies have demonstrated that HBOT benefits burn patients by lowering wound infection rates, improving the success of skin grafts, shortening hospital stays, and minimizing the need for surgery.

Come visit us at Lakeshore Hyperbaric Center - Chicago

Our compassionate team of hyperbaric specialists at Chicago to address any questions you might have before your treatments. Feel free to reach out to us today!

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HBOT is a centuries-old treatment used for a variety of medical conditions including burns, non-healing wounds and bends. It's now being studied as a possible helper for PTSD too. HBOT has been around since the 1800s and lately, there is even more interest in its use. So, how does this hyperbaric oxygen treatment work on new problems like Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)? Stay tuned to know how

Post Traumatic  Stress Disorder

What is Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)?

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a psychiatric condition that can develop in individuals who have experienced or witnessed traumatic events, such as natural disasters, serious accidents, terrorist acts, war/combat, rape/sexual assault, historical trauma, intimate partner violence, and bullying. This disorder affects a person's mental, physical, social, and spiritual well-being.

People with PTSD often experience intense, disturbing thoughts and feelings long after the traumatic event has ended. They may relive the event through flashbacks or nightmares and experience emotions like sadness, fear, or anger. 

Patients may feel detached or estranged from others and avoid situations or people that remind them of the traumatic event. Common symptoms include strong negative reactions to ordinary occurrences, such as loud noises or accidental touches.

Symptoms of PTSD

  • Flashbacks and severe emotional or physical reactions triggered by reminders of the traumatic event.

  • Avoiding discussions, thoughts, places, people, and activities related to the trauma, leads to emotional detachment and withdrawal from loved ones.

  • Persistent negative thoughts and feelings, memory problems, emotional numbness, and difficulty maintaining relationships.

  • Heightened startle response, constant vigilance, sleep disturbances, irritability, aggression, and self-destructive behaviors like excessive drinking.

Connection between PTSD and HBOT

The Connection Between PTSD and Brain Function

PTSD can coexist with traumatic brain injury (TBI), especially among veterans. Neuroimaging tests reveal that PTSD affects multiple brain areas, including hippocampal atrophy, altered activity in the insular cortex, and hypoactivity of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis. 

These brain regions are critical for distinguishing between safe and unsafe conditions, interpreting stimuli, and regulating fear conditioning and cognitive and emotional interactions. In PTSD, these areas often function abnormally.

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy PTSD treatment (HBOT for PTSD)

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) involves delivering 100 percent oxygen under increased pressure to help treat PTSD. This increased oxygen heals damaged brain tissue, improves blood flow, reduces inflammation, and promotes the growth of new tissue and blood vessels.

HBOT for PTSD patients

How Hyperbaric Oxygen Works for PTSD Patients

HBOT helps address the brain abnormalities seen in PTSD patients. By providing 100 percent oxygen under increased pressure, HBOT aids in healing damaged brain tissue, improving blood flow, reducing inflammation, and fostering new tissue and blood vessel growth. This therapy can be particularly beneficial for veterans and others who suffer from PTSD, as it targets the neurological damage underlying the disorder.

ctiveness of HBOT on PTSD

Study Shows Effectiveness of HBOT on PTSD

Recent studies have explored the benefits of HBOT for individuals with TBI and PTSD. One notable study by Dr. Paul Harsh, published in Medical Gas Research, involved 29 active-duty or retired military personnel with mild TBIs and some with PTSD. Participants underwent 40 HBOT treatments. 

The study found that 52 percent of participants who met the PTSD Checklist-Military diagnosis no longer met the diagnostic threshold after treatment. Additionally, improvements were observed in general anxiety, depression, and PTSD symptoms. 

Of the 12 participants who expressed suicidal thoughts at the beginning of the study, ten no longer felt suicidal after treatment. Dr. Harsh remarked that the reduction in PTSD symptoms within a four-week period was one of the greatest reported with any treatment.

Lakeshore Hyperbaric Oxygen - Helping PTSD Patients

Lakeshore Hyperbaric Oxygen Chicago is at the forefront of developing independent hyperbaric facilities to aid in the recovery process for PTSD patients. Our hyperbaric chambers are designed for maximum comfort and healing. We are proud to assist military veterans in their recovery journey, providing the dramatic health benefits of hyperbaric oxygen therapy to those afflicted with PTSD.

If you or someone you know is suffering from PTSD, Lakeshore Hyperbaric Oxygen Chicago is here to help. Our team is dedicated to supporting veterans and others on their path to recovery.

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